
Passenger was born on the roam.

An idea thawed by the fireside, salty-skinned with beer in hand — cracking a knowing smile to the setting sun. Thought up by our founder Rich Sutcliffe and partner Alexa, out the back of their beat-up T4 in amongst the wilds of the Pacific Northwest.

But our home has always been the New Forest, bordered by tall pines and sandy shores. A place to share stories — to create, collaborate, set roots and think big. Rolling back full circle to well-trodden soil.

The land between waves and trees.

The pull to get off-grid, to wander, travel and connect with good folk and the great outdoors. These thoughts have been pinned to the walls since day dot — away from the humdrum, the hustle, the bustle, and the hard graft. The call to roam turned up to eleven.

So when is it you feel most alive? What is it that recharges you? We call this pursuit of mental and physical wellbeing MEANINGFUL ESCAPISM. It’s a feeling, a need to break free from the everyday. A chance to breathe under a big sky — amongst tall pines, in calming seas and distant peaks.

Go out there and find it… take the scenic route and embrace your journey.

Wherever that might take you.

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